Foot of the Cross
For my Dad.
Happy happy birthday Dad. You have been gone 3 years and we miss you every single day.
Richard Jacobsen Birthday
In memory….
of my beautiful Mom-Beverly Wallace entered into heaven April 8,2007
Remembering Jesus Christ’s Resurrection
Jesus Christ died for our sins so that we may have eternal life. He rose again on the 3rd day so on this Easter Sunday we celebrate his resurrection.
Why is Good Friday really “Good”?
Christ finished the earthly task from his Father on this day. So many good things are waiting for those who believe in him because of it. No Greater love can one show than to lay down his life for another.
Sue Frese Birthday
In Honor of Paul Tanner
Celebrating the best Grandfather God ever created, March 31, 1904, 111 years ago. You gave me the foundation of my faith, and showed me how to live for Christ and show His Light to those around me.
in loving memory of mother, grandmother, and friend June R Hayes
Happy Birthday Bailey!!!!!
Your such a great kid and growing up to be even more amazing!!! We hope you have the greatest day!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!
In memory of Ron Laycock our beloved husband, dad and grandpa,
love you and miss you every day….your family
Our Beloved Mother and Grandma Nancy Scribner
It has been almost a year since you passed on 4/4/14. I know you are in Heaven with our Lord and Savior. Happy Birthday Mom!!!!! We love and miss you much.
We Miss You Fred Owyen!!
Fred was a great Husband, Father, Uncle and Grandfather!! You we’re the sweetest man and you will forever be missed!!
Happy Birthday Denaye
You are an awesome mother and wonderful wife. I thank God for you daily!
In memory of Mary Mertz
In Memory of Norman Whitman
In Honor of Dale & Carmen Johnson’s Anniversary
Forever love began 63 years ago today…
In Honor of our dear sweet Megan who we lost in 2006.
Rueben and Molly Rose
Thank you for living your lives as servants for HIM and being such amazing examples to us all. We rest in His promises that one day we will see you again. You are loved dearly by us all!
To Celebrate Carmen Johnson
Happy Birthday, my dearest Mama…. all my love forever, Punky!