Foot of the Cross
In memory of Earl H. Nelson Jr
With love always from Connie and his family. Earl was a devoted husband, loving father and a loyal friend.
In Loving Memory of Marcos Sanchez ALfaro
Dear Marcos two years ago God needed a beautiful angel by his side and he decided to take you, today and forever we will remember you and miss you. We love you with all our heart!
Natasha Junell Hill – Angels Live Among Us
Dearest Natasha, 19 years ago today the streptococcus A infection took you from us when you were only 15 years old. We miss you every day and wonder what you’d be like today. Love you always.
In memory of Earl H. Nelson Jr.
With love always from Connie and his family. Earl was a devoted husband, loving father and a loyal friend.
Celebration Lutheran, where all are welcome, sharing BLESSING with the people of our valley
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” (Eph 3:17b-18 (NRSV))
Mark James Peternell Birthday
Anita DeWitt
In remembrance of Anita DeWitt
In Memory of Bill Bell
In loving memory of my father. Lost his battle to cancer 11 years ago. We think about you and miss you everyday Dad.
Happy Birthday GG and Kasey!
We Love you two Very much and are Thrilled to Celebrate the your joint Birthdays this year. May God Bless and Protect you Both in 2018.
In memory of Earl H. Nelson Jr.
With love always from Connie and his family. Earl was a devoted husband, loving father and a loyal friend.
In Loving Memory of Asela Oliveira Mori
Dear mom, today is another year that you are not longer with us but you will be and live forever in our hearts. Your children, husband,grandchildren,and great-grandchild,love you and miss you a lot.
In memory of Shelby Sykes…beloved wife, mom, granny, sister, and aunt
Mom you will be forever in our Hearst and memories. We will always remember your smile and laughter, love and kindness, and cooking! Love and miss you mom.
Jim Fife birthday
Martin Peternell Birthday
In loving memory of Dave Wallace
In memory of Blanche Crimmins
In memory of Cassandra Miller.
On the 10th anniversary of your passing we reminisce on your passions, incredible compassion, and love for your life and that of others. We are so blessed to be your parents. We all love you and miss you!
Celebration Lutheran, where all are welcome, sharing Joy with the people of our valley
O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, you know it completely. (Ps 139:1
-4 (NRSV))
In loving memory of Shaun Greening
Happy Birthday Shaun. We love you and miss you. Xo Mom, Dad, Jen and Shannon
In loving memory of Shaun Greening
Happy Birthday Shaun. We love you and miss you. Xo Mom, Dad, Jen and Shannon