At The Foot Of The Cross...
I would like to dedicate the cross to God's glory. We want you to have the opportunity to be involved in this gift to the community. If you would like to Sponsor the Cross for a special night we would love to light it for you. For details please visit our Support page. We would like to thank Kevin G. for letting us put the cross on his property. Please respect his property and do not visit the cross site. Thank you! RandyThe cross is lit tonight in celebration of the birth of Diego Rudy Cedillos…
The cross is lit tonight in celebration of the birth of Diego Rudy Cedillos to Patty and Rudy Cedillos
March 28, 2008 Woodland Hills, California Thanks and God bless.
The cross lit Today, April 25th in thanks to God…
“The cross lit Today, April 25th in thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me and my family, including my new daughter, Tara, who’s birthday was the 18th. All glory, praise and honor to you Father. Paul P”
The cross is lit tonight in loving memory of our good friend, Barb Ogan…
The cross is lit tonight in loving memory of our good friend, Barb Ogan who passed away March 17, 2008.
Steve & Mary Joy
(March 17th and 20th)
The cross is lit in loving memory of my sweet little mother-in-law Rose Ferraro…
The cross is lit in loving memory of my sweet little mother-in-law Rose Ferraro. She was born March 11, 1913 and passed away just a few week ago February 15, 2008. She and her twin sister, Mary were the first to be born in the US from Italy.
Her philosophy for life”share your love – love one another” Rosie knew that the true secret for happiness was in doing something for others – whether it was making her homemade meatballs and sauce, baking biscotti’s or giving hugs — and the way she lived her life illustrated this. Rosie was a hard worker – she faced every day with the love of God in her heart. She was a faithful and loyal friend, wife, mother, and grandmother. She was made out of true Italian grit and was a woman of honesty and integrity. Looking back at the events in her life, she was a beautiful light, mirrored through Christ. We all have been most fortunate to be blessed with such wonderful person, my mom. Our sweet little Rosie – we will miss you. Dominick and Mary Beth Ferraro
Happy 6th Birthday to our beautiful daughter, Grace…
Happy 6th Birthday to our beautiful daughter, Grace. You are the light of our life. We thank God for you every day. How precious it is that you love the Cross, may it always light your heart.
Dennis and Angel Howell
Lighting the cross in honor of our much loved Tricia Hopkins…
Lighting the cross in honor of our much loved Tricia Hopkins, who, as a servant of Christ, has touched and inspired many, who leans not on her own understanding, who listens, trusts, and follows, and who shares the peace, light, and love of Christ these very days as she fellowships in His joy an suffering simultaneously. Pray for her…. and, CELEBRATE LIFE!!! Praise be to God! Thank you WHS for an awesome talent show honoring this awesome woman!!
Love, from Tricia’s friends and family 🙂
We light the cross in memory of Cassie Miller…
We light the cross in memory of Cassie Miller on the night of her memorial. My dear friend who was kind, caring, and athletic. I will miss very much, I will always remember you.
In honor of Miguel Zavala…
“Today January 28,2008 the cross is lit in honor of Miguel Zavala, our father’s birthday. He has been a magnificent father and a great friend.
Lit on January 27 in memory of Earl Nelsonƒ?Ts passing…
I am asking for the cross to be lit on January 27 in memory of Earl Nelsonƒ?Ts passing, January 27, 2005. He was the beloved father of Paige, Blake and Jill and deceased husband of Connie. Our family remembers Earl with much love and affection. He was a brave man as he fought ill health for many years. He loved his family very much and is remembered with love and respect by all who knew him. He loved his Lord and this lighting of the cross is a visible reminder of his love and devotion. Earl was a faithful husband and a loving father and grandfather. He was a good and kind man. Connie, Paige and Kelly Swan, Matt and Kathryn, Blake and Amy Nelson, Chase and Robby, Jill and David Mowell, Daemian and Hannah.
The cross is light tonight in honor of our daughter, Laura Briggs’ birthday…
The cross is light tonight in honor of our daughter, Laura Briggs’ birthday. She was a joy to us from the moment she was born on a cold January day 22 years ago. Throughout her life she has been a light for Christ. One of the things we appreciate the most about Laura is her friendliness to everyone, young and old alike. Laura we love you and are blessed to be your parents.
The Cross is lit tonight in memory of C. A. “Bill” Nolph…
“The Cross is lit tonight in memory of C. A. “Bill” Nolph, our loving husband and father, who inspired and supported us to follow our dreams, who always had a new project to research, who shared his gift of seeing the photograph with many others, and who held an abiding faith in Christ.
We can hear him say, “The peace of the Lord be with you all.”
I light this cross in honor of my wife Jill Rowley…
I light this cross in honor of my wife Jill Rowley of 26 years on her 63rd birthday as she begins a new life of retirement in Wenatchee. She has been an inspiration to me and many others that she has touched and those she will touch in the future.
I would like to thank Mike Stancil and Frank Tukey…
I would like to thank Mike Stancil and Frank Tukey and the rest of the folks at Vita Green for their effort in lighting the cross thru the holiday season, Nov 22, 2007 through Jan 1, 2008.
90th birthdays of our two mothers, Anita Krober and Lorraine Whiteman…
The lit Cross honors the 90th birthdays of our two mothers, Anita Krober and Lorraine Whiteman. They were born November 7, 1917 and February 9, 1918. They are visiting Wenatchee, having come for their grandson’s wedding. Our families have been deeply blessed because of these two remarkable ladies. The choices they’ve made and lives they’ve lived, has graced us with an incredible heritage. Their uncommon legacy stems from their long-ago choice to follow Jesus. We are grateful!
In remembrance of a very special lady, my mother, Kathleen Cairy…
I would like to dedicate the lighting of this Glorious Cross to be in remembrance of a very special lady, my mother, Kathleen Cairy, who we lost 1 year ago today. I know she watches over us now as she always did with the Lord by her side. Mom, know that you are truly loved and missed. I also add my thanks to my wonderful husband, Stephen Sewell and my son, Steven Lindsey who never fail to be by my side.
Today, in honor of my Grandparents, George and Hazel Brooks…
“Today, in honor of my Grandparents, George and Hazel Brooks, the light of this beautiful cross shines down on the Wenatchee Valley. The place that they raised their children and watched grandchildren, great and great great grandchildren come into this world. Their love and guidance touched each and every one of us in a very special way. We were so blessed to have you in our lives to share with us the wonderful love of our Lord, Jesus Christ. You will never be forgotten, we all love and miss you”.
I would like to honor our father, Greg Peterson…
“I would like to honor our father, Greg Peterson, who passed away Nov 16. He was a man that brought out the best in everyone that he came in contact with. He loved the Wenatchee Valley, and the cross will always remind us that he is looking down over us and protecting us. On behalf of my mother Susan and my brother John, I would like to say we love you and we miss you dearly.”
In tribute to our father, Tony DeRooy…
“In tribute to our father, Tony DeRooy, from his children. He passed away on November 9, 2006. He is undoubtedly watching us from heaven, and the cross will remind us of his faith, and of how much he loved us, and how much we loved him.”
The Cross is lit tonight for…; by Lee Smith
The Cross is lit tonight for the celebration of my fathers 75 th birthday. He has been a wonderful inspiration to me through out my life and has taught me many things to help me get through lifeƒ?Ts upƒ?Ts and downs. He hasƒ?Ýand is a great competitor on the racquetball court. Thanks for all you have done to help me become the man I am.
My DAD—Lee Smith
The person that I want to honor…; by Barbara Smith
The person that I want to honor with tonightƒ?Ts lighting is a wonderful and caring person that I have had the pleasure of knowing most all of my life. She has stuck by me and loved me unconditionally in all my trials and through all the trials I put her through.
She has always been there. To this day she is the second most important woman in my life, a close second only to my wife. I love and cherish her with all of my heart. Thank you MOMƒ?ÝBarbara Smith.