At The Foot Of The Cross...
I would like to dedicate the cross to God's glory. We want you to have the opportunity to be involved in this gift to the community. If you would like to Sponsor the Cross for a special night we would love to light it for you. For details please visit our Support page. We would like to thank Kevin G. for letting us put the cross on his property. Please respect his property and do not visit the cross site. Thank you! RandyHappy birthday, Kenzie B.
Happy 1st birthday, sweet girl <3
Happy Birthday Reg.
Happy Birthday, Reg. We miss you!
In memory of Matt Jackson
Happy Birthday Mom!
In honor of Lois Williams-99 years young today! We love you, Mom.
Spring 2022 brings new blessings
Let us welcome all new beginnings in our life through Christ! I love you Andy.
Let us welcome all new beginnings in our life through Christ! I love you Andy.
2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
Refugio Ponce
In memory of Refugio Ponce
Esperanza Estrella
In memory of Esperanza Estrella
Esperanza Estrella
In memory of Esperanza Estrella
Billy’s Birthday
Wishing you a year full of birthday blessings, happy trails and loads of love!
In memory of Eddie Bromiley.
Thank you for your light, Anthony!❤️
In loving honor of Anthony Wilson❤️
Maribel Covarrubias
In memory of Maribel Covarrubias
Maribel Covarrubias
In memory of Maribel Covarrubias
Maribel Covarrubias
In memory of Maribel Covarrubias
Maribel Covarrubias
In memory of Maribel Covarrubias
Maribel Covarrubias
In memory of Maribel Covarrubias
Andy Stuart Birthday
In Memoriam of David Ombaire Okeyo
Tata, you lit our life with plenty of joy, happiness and kindness. We always walking with you in our hearts and mind. Thanks you for lighting in our paths. C, J, W and Mama miss you.
Lauribel, Beloved Mother and Grandmother
What we once enjoyed and loved we can never lose, For all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.- Keller
You are in our hearts always.