At The Foot Of The Cross...
I would like to dedicate the cross to God's glory. We want you to have the opportunity to be involved in this gift to the community. If you would like to Sponsor the Cross for a special night we would love to light it for you. For details please visit our Support page. We would like to thank Kevin G. for letting us put the cross on his property. Please respect his property and do not visit the cross site. Thank you! RandyIn Memory of Mother, Carole Reider
My Mom moved to independent living at Colonial Vista right before our state locked down. It was a horrible transition but she had the best view of the lighted cross. It brought her & others, comfort.
Cameron & Julie Fife Anniversary
Andy I love watching the Lord guide you and use you!
1 Corinthians 7:17 Each of you should continue to live in whatever situation the Lord has placed you, and remain as you were when God first called you. This is my rule for all the churches.
“Loving memory of our granddaughter Danica Jane Taylor”
In Memory of Eddie Bromiley
Shawn & Haley Cummins
Happy 15th Anniversary. Wow can’t believe 15 years already. May your love continue to grow and my God bless you always. You are cherished and loved.
Happy Anniversary in Heaven!
Sending love to my husband, Tim with thanks for 19 years of love. I miss you terribly but I know I will see you again. FOREVER you wife.
Happy Anniversary in Heaven, My Love!
Remembering the best day of my life! I miss you, Tim Hubbard. Thank you for 19 years of love. Until we see each other again…
Danny Curtis, Happy Anniversary
Love and miss you every day
In loving memory of Scott Tompkins
Happy Birthday Carmen
You are fearfully and wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14
Your light has shone, and you have glorified your Father – Matthew 5:16
May the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you – Numb 6:25
In Memory of Eddie Bromiley
In Memory of Alyssa Oaks
God blessed the world with Alyssa Oaks and the remarkable spirit and joy for life she had. She will always be remembered as a bright, loving and courageous young girl whose laughter was contagious.
Happy 18th Gorgeous
My first born and only daughter is 18 today! May God bless you on your journey through adulthood my love!
Happy 18th Gorgeous
My first born and only daughter is 18 today! May God bless you on your journey through adulthood my love!
in memory of Cork
In memory of Cork for his birthday Sept. 3
8 years today but we carry on As you did Blessing 4 people on this day. Love and miss you son.
Laurel & Linda Birthday
Praise Andy, the Lord will give you guidance.
John 9:4 “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” God
Happy Heavenly Birthday
Happy Heavenly Birthday Son! It is just so hard to believe it has been 12 years since we last saw your beautiful smile and heard your voice. We Love you so much Mijo.